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multifractal model, 8 multifractality, 148 multiple assets, 278

near-singularity, 259 neutral point, see hedging noise trader, 349 nonstable distribution, 142 notional deposit, 26

official intervention, 129 Olsen & Associates (O&A), 4, 11, 18 open position (mark-to-market), 305 opening hours, see trading hours operator, 35

average, 55

backward shift, 77

causal, 54

comparison, 314

complex moving average, 75

conditional, 314

convolution, 51

crossover, 312

derivative, 55, 66

difference, 78

differential, 64

exponential moving average (EMA), 59 iterated, 59

homogeneous, 58

linear operator and kernels, 54

logic, 314

microscopic, 36, 76

moving average (MA), 61

moving correlation, 71

moving kurtosis, 71

moving norm, 63

moving skewness, 71

moving standard deviation, 63

moving variance, 63

mutation, 312

nonlinear, 58

regular time series, 77

tick frequency, 79

time translation, 77

time-translation invariant, 54

volatility, 68, 79

windowed Fourier transform, 74 optimization

robust optimization, 317 option pricing, 3 out-of-sample, 222

outright forward rate, 22 outright forward transactions, 23 overlap

method, 44

overlap-free, 50

overlapping returns, see return overshooting, 27

performance index, 32 periodicity, 160, see seasonality permanence hypothesis, 5 perpetuum mobile, 353 physical delivery, 31 portfolio pricing, 277

trading model portfolio, 338 post ex-ante testing, 264 prefiltcring technique, 249 price, 37, 38

bid-ask, 17

effective price, 40, 125

middle, 122

price formation, 3, 123

synthetic, 275

transaction, 1, 15 probability density function (pdf), 54 probability distribution, 54, 132 process, see model psychological time, 176

quadratic programming, 346 quote, see data

random walk, see model rational expectations, 210 real market value, 210 realized volatility, see volatility regime shifts, 8 relaxation time, 352 return, 37, 40

deseasonalized, 197

mean, 48

nonoverlapping, 50 overlapping, 47 synthetic, 275 Reuters, 1,21

Reuters Instrument Code (RIC), 15 risk management, 3, 14,32, 277

risk profiles, 14 risk-sensitive measures, 305 RiskMetrics, 251

methodology, 251

volatility, 253 robustness, 58 rolling over, 13 rollover scheme, 29 root mean squared error (RMSE), 186

safety margins, 171

scaling laws, see stylized facts

empirical, 177 scaling properties, 8

significance, 9 seasonality, 35, 44, 175

daily seasonality, 204

geographical seasonality, 181

ordinary seasonality, 214

seasonal heteroskedasticity, 175, 265

seasonal volatility, 174

weekly seasonality, 204 second position, 30 segmentation, 128 serial expiry contracts, 24 settlement rules, 12 Sharpe ratio, 305 short memory, 207 signal processing, 338

Singapore International Monetary Exchange, 24

skewness, 173

operator, 71

realized, 46 slippage, 32

speculative bubbles, 349 spot

interest rates, 21

market, see market

trading, 11

transaction, 23 spread

average, 46, 172

bid-ask, 17, 19, 23, 40, 45, 91, 124, 125, 154, 170, 354

credit spread, 21

effective, 126

log, 45

quoted, 171

relative, 45

traded, 171 spurious persistence, 194 stability, 143

standard limit theory, 153 stochastic process, see model stock indices, 32 stock splits, 32 slop-loss deal, 301 stop-profit algorithm, 299 stringent filter, 302 structural change, 259 stylized facts, 2, 14, 121, 127 autocorrelation of return, 121 autocorrelation study, 161 bid-ask bounce, 124 bid-ask spread, 170 daily and weekly patterns, 122 deterministic volatility, 169 discreteness, 125 distribution of returns, 122

fat-tailed, 122 distributional issues, 121 distributional properties, 132 bounded distributions, 135 fat-tailed distributions, 135 thin-tailed distributions, 135 negative first-order autocorrelation of

turns, 123 scaling laws, 122, 147 apparent scaling, 152 fat tails, 142 interquartile range, 150 limitations, 158 scaling properties, 121 seasonal heteroskedasticity, 122, 163 seasonal volatility, 163, 167

U-shaped, 167 seasonality, 121 subordinated process, 176 swap, 23

FX swap rates, 23 symmetry, 132 synthetic price, see price synthetic return, see return


index, 6, 132, 135

statistics, 6 Taylor expansion, 62 technical analysis, 3, 14, 129 technological change, 8 temporal aggregation, 224 lest

ex-ante test, 322 likelihood ratio, 7 Monte Carlo, 274

out-of-sample test, 249

ratio test, 192 tick, 1, 10

tick frequency, 37, 46 log, 46

tick time, 124 tick-by-tick, see data time horizon, 209, 210, 249, 307, 309 time scale, 8, 176

-scale, 255

!>-scale, see time scale, tf-time

?-time, 174, 176, 188

business, 174, 188, 225

tick time, 124

variety of time scales, 8 time stamp, 10, 15 trading horizon (trader class), 198

day trader, 199

intraday trader, 199

long-term trader, 199

market maker, 199

short-term trader, 199 trading hours, 174, 299, 327 trading model, 295

current price, 302

current return, 300

gearing calculator, 301

market constraints, 299

performance calculator, 297

performance measures, 304 Reff, 307 Xeff, 305 Sharpe ratio, 305

portfolios, 338

real-time trading models, 296, 310, 323 real-time trading strategics, 297 recommendation maker, 301 simulated trader, 297, 303

bookkeeper, 303

opportunity catcher, 303 stop-loss deal, 301 stop-loss detector, 302 stop-loss price, 302 stop-profit algorithm, 299 stop-profit control, 302 symmetry properties, 315 testing procedures, 317 trading hours, see trading hours transaction costs, see transaction transaction clock, 176

costs, 170,295,325,331,333 price, 1, 15 volume, 46, 176 trust capital, see filter

uncertainty, 154 undershooting, 28

Value-at-Risk (VaR), 6, 250 variable

activity, 176

direction change indicator, 47 price, see price

realized covariance, see covariance

realized skewness, see skewness

return, see return

spread, see spread

tick frequency, see tick

volatility, see volatility vehicle currency, 19, 172 volatility

annualized, 41

coarse volatility, 211

conditional heteroskedasticity, 198

daily volatility, 158

deterministic volatility, 170

expected volatility, 96

fine volatility, 211

historical, 41

implied, 43

model, 43

patterns, 176

realized volatility, 37, 41, 197, 248

bias, 154, 159, 198

bias correction, 202 volatility clustering, 122, 161, 198, 228 volatility ratio, 47, 192

wavelet, 193

multiscaling approach, 193

signal-to-noise ratio, 193

wavelet transform, 159

wavelet variance, 160 weekend effect, 172 Whites variance-covariance matrix estimation, 224

yield curve, 25

zero-sum game, 353

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