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42 Limiting beliefs, 28-29. 68-69 Losing: and cultural assumptions, 3940 and market sense, 47 passive loser versus active loser concepts, 43-44 personal belief system, 46 random, 54 Losing trade; execution of, 207-08 and market temptation, 42 refusal to liquidate, 18 Loss cutting, active loser concept, 65-66 Losses: acceptance of, 25 consequences of avoidance, 11 from culturally teamed behavior, 18-19 dealing with, 206-08 predefining. 206-07 refusing definition of, 18 Lows: market testing, 195 price movement, 193 Market: defined, 35 efficiency of, 64 as gamble, 39-40 offering of opportunity, 202 perpetual motion of, 217 psychological perspective, 27 randomness of, 64 Tightness of, 35-37 temptations of, 42 testing of, 195 as unstructured environment, 49-57 Market behavior, 27, 188-89 and beliefs, 36-37 concentration on single, 208-10 defined, 188 patterns, 188-89 price patterns and formations, 190-93 Market data organization, 190 Market environment, 17 psychological impact of, 17 "uruimitedness," 39-40 unstructured, 49-57 Market experience, creation of, 66-69 Market interaction and traders, 37 Market movement, perception of opportunity and, 68-69 see also Price movement Market movement assessment: limit on informarion gathered, by erroneous, 39-40 psychological factors, 40 Market participant consistency, defined, 39 Market perception, individual experiences and, 66-67 Market position, see Positions of traders Market potential, focus on, 19 Market temptations on winning and losing trades, 42 Market value, determination of, 35 Memories: as behavioral force, 98 as charged energy, 100-03 compression of, 97 as environmental information systems, 100-03 fear generating, 102-03 in mental environment, 91-94 nondimensionality of, 91-92 painful, 102-03 significant, 96-97 speed of, 92-94 versus recollection, 141-42 Mental energy: defined, 88-89 expression of, 87 management of, see Mental energy management negatively charged, 101-03, 155 positively charged, 101 Mental energy management, 155-65 anger diffusion, 156 benefits, 161-65 constructive thoughts, 156 destructive thoughts, 155 increased levels of satisfaction, 162-63 increased sense of security, 161-62 insults, 155 negatively charged energy, 155 and escalation of emotions, 155-56 tools for change, 156-57 Mental environment, 85-98 balance with outer physical environment, 122 brain and, 90 categories in, 87 changes for effective functioning, 136-37 correspondence to energy, 91-98 definition, 87-88 dreams, 92 framework of mental environment, 87 memories, 91-94 nature of, 85-87 nondimensionality, 91-92 speed of, 92-98 thoughts, 156-57 time and, 94-96 Mental growth at conscious level, 157 "Mistakes": non-existence of, 160-61 redefinition of, 204-05 Moment perfection, 150-53 Money: childhood conditioning about "deserving," 17 defined, 61 how traders make, 184 as system of exchange, 61 windfall profits versus structured work beliefs, 17-18 Natural association, 133-34 see also Associations Needs; in mental environment, 87 recognition of, 139 Need to learn: determination of, 129-30 difficulty of acknowledgement of, 130 Negatively charged energy anger, 156 categories of, 87 characteristics, 101-03 fear, see Fear greed, see Greed revenge, 46-47 stress, see Stress Non-physical versus physical reality, 90 Objectivity, 219-22 developing trading skills, 219-21 recognition of, 221 and trading rules, 222 and "uncommitted assessments of probabilities", 219-21 Offer, defined, 184 Opportunity: identification of, 202 and inability to execute trade, 218 missed, redefining, 205 Opportuniry perception, 69-71 execution failure and, 72 and market movement, 68-69 as trading skill, 69-71 Passive loser concept, 43-47 Passive losers, and price movement, 44-47 ftreeptions: alternate experiences and, 111-13 blocking by current belief, 133 changing, and trading, 135-36 experience shaping and, 107-09 of opportunity, see Opportunity perception relationship with emotion, 110-13 total environmental distinctions and, 107 of traders, and price movement,
Perceptual distinctions: and energy loops, 105-07 environmental information, 105-07 market opportunities, 106 Perceptual diversity of individuals, 135 Perpetual motion: of market, Z17 of market, and passive loser concept, 43-47 of prices, 41 -47 Personal belief systems, 46-47 being wrong, 46 choice range, 171 conflicting belief identification, 169-71 directing conscious shift, 167-69 greed, 46 losing, 46 revenge, 46-47 techniques for change, see Belief alteration techniques Physical versus non-physical reality, Point and figure charts, 187 Polarity of energy, 100-03 Positions of traders: and determination to keep, 19 price movement and, 59 Positively charged energy characteristics, 101 in mental environment, 87 Present value agreement, 184 Price charts, 187 significant market reference points, 189-90 symmetrical patterns, 189 Price dynamics, 184 88 bear market requirements, 199-200 bull market requirements, 199-200 collective behavior of traders, 187 highs and lows, 193 individual traders and, 187 market behavior, 188-89 price patterns and formations. 190-93 public versus professional expectations, 200 reversal of support and resistance levels, 196-97 shift of balance of force, 187, 194 significant market reference points, 189-90 support and resistance, 193-97 trends and trendlines, 197-200 Price movement: collective behavior of traders and, 60-61 competition and, 60 direction, 218 effect of personal belief, 36 function of group behavior, 187 highs and lows, 193 market behavior patterns, 188-89 meanings of, 27 opportunity creation, 36 passive losers and, 44-47 perpetual, 41 price patterns and formations, 190-93 probability and, 44-45 profit opportunity from, 11 psychology of, 183-200 risks and, 62 supply and demand and, 62 support and resistance value levels, 193-97 traders" perceptions and, 64 traders positions and, 59 trading rules and, 8, 206-08 Price patterns and formations, 190-93 balance area, 190-93 "value area" versus balance area, 190-91 Probabilities: and price movement, 44-45 thinking in, 215-19 Probability assessment: of learning, 132-33 uncommitted, 69-70 Profit accumulation, 72 Profit and loss potential, 39-40 Psychological damage, defined, 71 Psychological factors: market movement assessment, 40 of trading success, 27-30 Psychological impact of market interaction on individual, 17 Quality of energy," 100 r Random winning and losing, 54 Rationale of author, 3-13 Reasoning ability, mental growth and, 157 Reasons: irrelevance of, in market environment, 59-64 for trading, 61-62 Recollection versus memories, 141-42 Reference points, see Significant market reference points Release of fear, 70-71 Resistance: formed from inconsistent actions, 173 versus learning, 162-63 Resistance price level, 193-97 becoming support price level, 196-97 defined, 193 identified, 195 Responsibility: avoidance of, through lack of structure, 52-53 avoidance of, through superstition, 53-54 and self-acceptance, 55 taking of, 46 taking of, in unstructured environment, 49-57 Revenge: and market sense, 47 and personal belief system, 46-47 Reward concept, 17, 22 Righmess of market, 35-37 Risks; defined, 62 gambling versus trading, 212 and price movement, 62 Rule establishment in unstructured environment, 49-50 Rules for trading, see Trading rules Satisfaction, increased levels of, 162-63 Security, increased sense of, 161-62 Self-acceptance, 55, 72-77 example of failure, 73-76 responsibility and, 55 results of cultivation, 77 Self-discipline: belief alteration techniques, 173-77 defined, 201 exercises, 174-77 lack of, 29-30 need of, for trading skills, 4 and trading, 201 Self-hypnosis and new belief establishment, 177 Self-improvement, need of traders, 151-53 Self-knowledge, 10 Self monitoring, and developing trading skills, 221-22 Self-trust, in developing trading skills, 203 Self-valuation: profit accumulation and, 72 and trading, 223 as trading skill, 72 Set of limitations, current, 128-29 Shame, feelings of, 23 Significant market reference points, 189-90 defined, 189 determination of, 216-17 establishment, 194 highs and lows, 193 price charts, 189 support and resistance, 193-97 Social thought methodology, see Cultural thought methodology Static environment and sense of well-being, 17 Stress: defined, 131 as learning device, 135 in mental environment, 87 in trading environment, 17
Structured work beliefs versus windfall profits, 17-18 Successful trader, 65-77 change of mental perspective, 162 creation of market experience, 66-69 disciplined trading approach, 70 evolution beyond fear, 202 internal changes, necessity of, 5-6 perception of opportunities, 69-71 profit accumulation, 72 release of fear, 70-71 self-acceptance, 72-77 technique explanation, difficulty of, 4-6 trade execution, 71-72 winning trade, and fear, 202 Superstition as trading factor, 53-54 Supply and demand, 61-62 Support and resistance zone, defined, 195 Support price level, 193-97 becoming resistance price level, 196-97 defined, 193 identified, 195 Thinking ability: as greatest asset, 10 mental growth and, 157 Thought methodology of trading, see Trading methodology Thought methodology, social and cultural, 15-30 Thoughts. constructive, 156 destructive, 155 in mental environment, 87 as tools for change, 156-57 Time; concept, 17, 22 defined, 95 experiences of, and feelings, 97-98 individuality of perception of, 108-09 mental environment and, 95 and reward principles, 17 and space, 95 subjective measurement of, 95-96 Traders: cultural beliefs versus trading success, 18-19 disciplined, see Successful trader equity charting as state of mind, 153-54 and interaction with market, 37 irrelevance of reasons, 59-64 as market components, 184 relating to value, 191 self-improvement needs, 151-53 self-valuation, 154 successful, see Successful trader unsuccessful, see Unsuccessful trader Trades: as indicators of self-evaluation, 153-54 execution of, 71-72 and market consistency, 36 and potential for market movement, 36 Trading: creating of market experience, 202 decision possibilities, 41-42 defined, 63 goal of, 63-64 interdependency of, 61-62 learning flawless execution of, 213-14 as mental activity, 201-02 psychological factors of success, 27-30 reasons for, 61-62 and self-discipline, 201 and self-valuation, 223 structural lack and responsibility avoidance, 52-53 trial and error approach to, 4-5 see also Trading environment; Trading skills Trading environment: collective behavior, 51-52, 60-61 immediacy of outcome and, 67-68 psychological issues for individual trader, 42 narure of, 35-77 perpetual morion of prices, 41-47 profit and loss potential, 39-40 Tightness of market, 35-37 and stress, 17 unlimitedness of, 39-40 unstructured environment, 49-57 veTsus cultural environment, 16-18 Trading methodology, 15-30 effort concept, 17, 22 reasons for adopting, 25-27 release of feelings of failure, 23 reward concept, 17, 22 skill acquisition, 19-20 and system validity, 21 time concept, 17, 22 and trading errors, 18-19 and trading systems, 20-21 in unlimited environmenr, 23 see fltso Cultural thought methodology Trading pattern, result of consistency of, 19 Trading range: defined, 195 and money-making technique, 195-96 Trading rules, 12, 206-08 establishment m unstructured environment, 49-50 exact implementation, 214 following, as trading skill, 203-04 money management, 12 Trading skills, 19-20,69-72 accumulation of profits, 72 belief alteration and, 23-27 creation of market experience, 66-69, 202 emotional control, 4 establishing trading rules, 203 execution of trades. 71-72 flawless execution of trading system, 210-13 focus on "now moment," 216 following trading rules, 203-04 freedom from information distortion, 203 identification of, 202 lack of. 28 perception of opportunity, 69-71, 202 psychological beliefs and, 21-23 self-discipline, 4, 201 self-trust, 203 self-valuation, 72 thinking in probabilities, 215-19 trading without fear, 202 versus cultural behavior, 18-19 versus trading systems, 20-21 see also Developing trading skills Trading systems: adherence to, 214 defined, 211 establishment of, 213-14 ignoring rules of, 19 and loss tolerance, 213 and market behavior, 20 objectives, 213-14 outguessing, 211-13 problems with, 211 versus trading methodology, 20-21 Training exercise: belief in probable outcome, 214 objectives of, 213 Trends: defined, 197 as function of time, 197-98 Trial and error approach to trading, 4-5 Trust and wisdom, 164 "Uncommitted assessments of probabilities," 219-20 necessary for effective trading, 69-70 Understanding and wisdom, 164 Unstructured environment, 49 57 rule establishment in, 49-50 taking of responsibility in, 49-57 Unsuccessful traders: and belief alteration, 23-27 childhood conditioning about deserving money, 17 and culturally-learned behavior, 18-19 forced awareness of failure, 6-7
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