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26 MONTHLY SERSONflL CASH RRRHY RNRLYilS; FUELOll 1962 - 1994 F£a MBR aes -51.6 -o/.l -53.1 MflY 50.0 \[ . 1 APR -57.1 -60.7 J3.G 41N Odds Up zHH ¸ MONTHLY SERSONRL CASH TENDENCY: FUELOIL Yeers 1962 - 1994 By using the array analysis, we can find the best opportunities historically. HIGH t SERSONflL UP MONTHSi AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC HIGH X SEflSONflL DOWN MONTHS: IDEAL SEflSONflL HIGH; DEC IDEAL SEflSONflL LOW: JUN flPR Figure 3-6: Crude Oil Array
Lumber has been a very seasonal market. MBH COMMODITY RDVISORS. INC. WEEKLY SEASONAL COMPOSITE FUTURES CHART JflN LUMBER 1972 THRU 1992 4] I 41 I 411 3tl Ml 371 ] SSI 341 »l Ul 31 I Ml 2(1 2)1 371 2(1 ISI 241 231 ai 21 I Ml III III 171 llltSl MM3I III imtl* I • 17 It If 14 11 13 I ALL YEARS BULLISH YEARS BEARISH YEARS flPS. HAY >! J vl" T SEP . I . OCT
Orange Juice futures tend to decline once the fear of frost is over. commouity advisors. inc. wreKLY SEnSONflL COMPOSITE FUTURES CHflRT ypg lli. - • lULL.SH TERRS 1 7 THRU 1993 0 camiwr IM m IwIhIhJwT >> 1»1«1 7 1 1« >21 1<11 I • 1 r I • 11 I 4 I * I » I i
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