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49 Inputs: LookbackBaxs(Numetic), Strergth(Numeiic), RangeFactor(Nuineric); Variables: RangeDelta(o.O), HighPivot(O,0), LowPivot(O.O), mghMinimuni(7); AcmeDoubleTop = -l; RangeDelta = RangeFactor » Volatility(LookbackBars); HighPivot = PivotHigtiVSBar(l, High, Strength, Strength, LookbackBars); LowPivot = PivotLowVSBar(l, Low, Strength, Strength, LookbackBars); If HighPivot -1 and LowPivot -1 and HighPivot >= HighMinimum and AbsValue(High - High[HighPivot}) AbeValue(Hlgh - Highest(High, Hi HighPivot > LowPivot Then AcmeDoubleTop = HlPivot; AcmeEntryTargets <= RangeDelta and ;hPivot)) <= RangeDelta and AcmeEntryTargets: Plot the entry points forstopandlimitorders Inputs: SystemlD(Strlng), BuyStopCNunwric), BuyLimit(Numeric), ShortStop(Numeric), ShortLimit(Numeric); Variables: PlotColor(Black), BSLine(-l), BLLine(-l), SSLine(-l), SLLine(-l), BSStringC"), BLString(""), SSStrinHC"). 4ISliii4-.(-), HMixl( 1). BLText(-l)j SSText(-l), SLText(-l); AcmeErtryTaxgets = False; If LastBarOnChart Then Begin If CetBackCroundColor = 1 Then PlotColor = White; If BuyStop > 0 Then Begin BSString = LE " + SystemID + " Stop BSLine = TL New(Date[o], Time[0], BuyStop, Date[l). Time[l), BuyStop); If BSLine >= 0 Then Begin TL SetColor(BSLine, PlotColor); TL SetSize(BSLine, 1); TL SetExtfiight(BSLine, True}; BSText = Text New(Date, Time, BuyStop, BSString); Text SetColor(BSText, PlotColor); End; End; If BuyLimit > 0 Then Begin BLString = " LE " + SystemID + " Limit "; BLLine = TL New(Date[0}, Time[0], BuyLimit, Date[l}, Time[l], BuyLimit); If BLUne >= 0 Then Begin TL SetColor(BLLire. PlotColor); TL SetSize(BLLine, l); TL SetExtRight(BLLine, True); BLText = Text New(Date, Time, BuyLimit, BLString); TextJetColor(BLText, PlotColor); End; End; If Shortstop > 0 Then Begin SSString = " SE " + SystemID • " Stop "; SSLine = TL New(Datelo}, Time[0}, Shortstop, Date[l}, Time[l}, Shortstop); If SSLlne >= 0 Then Begin Tl SetColor(SSLine, PlotColor); Tl SetSize(SSLine, l); TL SetExtRight(SSLine, True); SSText = Text New(Date, Time, Shortstop, SSString); Text SetColor(SSTeyt, PlotColor); End; End; If ShortLimit > 0 Then Begin SLString = " SE " + SystemID + " Limit "; SLLijie - TL New(Date[0], Time[o], ShortLimit, Date[l], Time[l], ShortLimit); If SLLine >- 0 Then Begin Tl SetColor(SlLine, PlotColoi); II SHSl7r(SIHnr. 1): II M-l)(IRiKhl(MHi>i-. Iria), Mti-xt 1<-Kl ¹- (1). <-. III1K-. -.hnill null, MMiliig);
Text SetColoi(SLText, PlotColor); End; End; AcmeEntryTargets = True; AcmeExitTargets AcmeExitTargets: Plot the stop bss points and profit targets ••******************************************************************} Inputs: SystemlD(String), StopLoss(Numeric), ProfitTargetl(Numeric), PTofttTarget2(Numeric); Variables: PlotColor(Black), SLLine(-l), PTlLine(-l), PT2Line(-l), SLStringC"), SLText(-l), PTiStrirc"), PTlText(-l), PT2String(""), PT2Text(-l); AcmeExitTargets = False; If LastBarOnChart Then Begin If HarketPosition = 1 Then Begin SLString = " LX " + SystemID + "-"; PTlStrlng - " LX " SystemID + "+"; PT2String = " LX " + SystenlD + "**"; End; If HarketPosition = -a Then Begin SLString = " SX " + SystemID + "-"; PTlString = " SX " + SystemID + "+"; PT2String = " SX " + SystemID + "++"; End; If CetBackCroundColor = 1 Then PlotColor = White; SLUne = TL New(Date[0l. Tiine[Ol, StopLoss. Date[l]. Tin>cll. Sloplo4.>; 1 Ml iw > 11 Ihiii Hiyiri It S,Ui>lm(Mt....., l-lfll.iloij. TL SetSize(SLLire, a); TL SetExtRight(SLLine, True); SLText = Text New(Date, Time, StopLoss, SLString); Text SetColor{SLText, PlotColor); End; PTlLine = TL New(Date[Ol, Time[o}, ProfitTargetl, Date[l], Time[l}, ProfitTargetl); If PTlLine >= 0 Then Begin Tl...SetColor(PTlLine, plotColcr); TL SetSize(PTlLine, l); TL SetExtRight(PTlLine, True); PTlText = Text New(Date, Time, ProfitTargetl, PTlString); Text SetCobr(PTlText, PlotColor); End; PT2Line = TL New(Date[0l, Time[0], ProfitTarget?, Date[l}, Time[l}, ProfitTarget2); If PT2Line >= 0 Then Begin TL SetColor(PT2Line, PlotColor); TL SetSize(PT2Line, l); TL SetExtRight(PT2Line, True); PT2Text = Text New(Date, Time, ProfitTarget2, PT2Strlr); Text SetColor(PT2Text, PlotColor); End; End; AcmeExitTargets = True; AcmeFloacChannelHigh AcmeFloatChannelHigh: Return the value of the upper float channel *•**+****++*+*]).***+]).♦+*»» Inputs: TheFloat(Numeric); Variables: FbatBarsCo); AcmeFloatCharnelHigh = 0; FloatBars = 0; If TheFloat > 0 Then Begin FloatBars = AcmeCetFloatBars(TheFloat); If FloatBars > 0 Then AcmeFloatChannelHigh - Highcst(High. lii.i1H.ii>>): End;
acmefloatchanrllow AcmeFloatChanrelLow: Return the value of the lower float channel *♦********»**************»************»********************♦********} Inputs: TheFloat(Nufneric); Variables: FloatBars(o)i AcmeFloatChannelLow = 0; FloatBars = 0; If TheFloat > 0 Then Begin FloatBars = AcmeGetFloatBars(TheFloat); If FloatBars > 0 Then AcmeFloatChannelLow = Lowest(Low, FloatBars); End; acmegetfloat This listing contains only a partial list of float values. Refer to Chapter 4 for obtaining and adding a float value to the AcmeGetFloat function. AcmeGetFloat: Get the float of a given stock ****************»»***************** Inputs: Synbol(String); Variables: ix(0), Sy«bolFound(False); Array: Sy«bols(2048J(""), Floats[2048J(0.0); ix . i; Synboblixl . -A": Floatsli.l . 368.5; i« - ix ( SyniholsriKl "AA"; Floilsfixl 7«..;: i« i> . ! i>,l -AAII"; > Symbols | | | "ABC"; | Symbols | | | "ABF"; | Symbols | | | "ABFS" | Symbols | | | " " | Symbols | | | "ABI"; | Symbols | | | "ABK"; | Symbols | | | "ABM"; | Symbols | | | "ZBRA" | Symbols | | | "ZICA" | syid»ls | | | "ZICO" | synbou | | | "ZIXI" | symbols | | | "zoil" | syrt ls | | | -zonx" | Symbols | | | "ZQK"; | Symbols | | | "ZMN" | SymbolFound = | False; |
; fldat5[ix] : FlDats[ix] . j Floats[ix] ;"; Floats[ix] ; Floats ; Floats ; Floats ; Floats[ixI ; Floats[ixI ; Floats[i : Floats [i: ; Floats [i] ;"; float5[iK ; float5[ix] ; FlDats[ix] = 101.7; ix = ix + l; = 37.0; ix = ix + l; = 15-1; ix = ix + l; = 64-7; ix = ix + l; = 141.5; ix = ix + 1; -- 75.2i ix = ix + l; . 15-B; ix = ix + i; = 24-7; ix = ix + l; = 2B.1; ix = ix + 1; = 7.6; ix = ix + l; = 11.4; ix = ix + l; = 6.9; Ix = ix + 1; = 28.B; ix = ix + l; = 12.9; ix = ix + 1; = 9.5; iu = ix + l; While SymbolFound = False and (iu - il) > 1 Begin im = IntPortion((il + iu) / 2); If Symbol = Symbols[im] Then SymbolFound = True Else If Symbol < Symbols[imI Then iu = im ase il = im; End; AcmeGetFloat = o; If SymbolFound Then AcmeGetFloat = Floats[im] * lOOOOOO.OO; acmegetfloatbars AcmeGetFloatBars: Calculate the bar number for a float turnover ***«****4***>t:***l****«***4***«***)>*««*««********«,*****4:*******«*«*4.J Inputs: FloatValue(Numeric); Variables: TotalVolume(0.0). Barlndex(o); TotalVolune - o.o; bailndrh - 0; ii (urm-mllui . ii iik-m llriii
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