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VolatilityFactOT(Murneric ), Length(Nurneric);

AcmeVHigh = 0.0; If HighW(l) > 0 and Volatility(Length) > Then

AcmeVHigh = HighW(l) + (VolatilityFactor * Volatility (Length));

I*»*»*****♦*********************************♦*+********************* AcmeVLow: Find the V Low Price



VolatilityFactor(Numeric), Length(Numeric);

AcmeVLow = 0.0; If LoWW(l) > 0 and Volatility(Length) > 0 Then

AcmeVLow = LowW(l) - (VolatilityFactor * Volatility(Length));




AcmeVolatility: Calculate the annualized historic volatility

»*4,*»4 ********* 4,****** ,j„j,****#******,*,j*4,******** 4,




DaysInYear{365), DaysInMonth(3o), DaysInWeeV(7), TimeFactor(0.0);

AcmeVolatility = O;

If Close > 0 and Close[l] > 0 Then Begin

If DataCompression >= 2 and DataCompression < 5 Then Begin If DataCompression = 2 Then {Daily}

TimeFactor = DaysInYear Else If DataCompression = 3 Then {Weekly)

TimeFactor = DaysInYear / DaysInWeek Else If DataCompression = 4 Then {Monthly} TimeFactor = DaysInYear / DaysInMonth;

AcmeVolatility = StdDev(Log(Close / Close[l]), Length) " SquareRoot(TiineFactor); End; End;


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Abgenix • 58, 79 Acambis • 211 Acme components

Acme All Strategies strategy • 234, 235

Acme Double Bottom indicator • 236

Acme Double Top indicator • 237 Acme F Strategy strategy • 237 Acme F System signal • 94, 238 Acme Float Box indicator • 240 Acme Float Channel indicator • 242

Acme Float Percent indicator • 244 Acme HV indicator • 247 Acme ID2 PaintBar • 247 Acme IDNR PaintBar • 247 Acme M Strategy strategy • 248 Acme M System signal • 75, 169, 248

Acme Market Model indicator • 252

Acme Market Patterns indicator • 255

Acme Market Strategy strategy • 258

Acme Market System signal • 259 Acme N Strategy strategy • 262 Acme N System signal • 142, 262 Acme NR PaintBar • 264 Acme NR% PaintBar • 265 Acme NR2 Pamtbar • 265 Acme P Strategy strategy • 266 Acme P System signal • 49, 266 Acme R strategy strategy • 267

Acme R System signal • 110, 268 Acme Range Ratio indicator • 269 Acme Rectangle indicator • 108, 270

Acme Spread indicator • 234, 271 Acme Trade Manager signal • 16, 272

Acme Triangle indicator • 273 Acme Triple Bottom indicator • 275

Acme Triple Top indicator • 275 Acme V High Zone indicator • 276 Acme V Low Zone indicator • 277 Acme V Strategy strategy • 277 Acme V System signal • 128, 277 AcmeCobra function • 278 AcmeDoubleBottom function • 279 AcmeDoubleTop function • 117, 279

AcmeEntryTargets function • 183, 280

AcmeExitTargets function • 18, 183, 282

AcmeFloatChannelHigh function • 283

AcmeFloatCharmelLow function • 284

AcmeGetFloat function • 94, 234, 284

AcmeCetFloatBars function • 285 AcmeGetShares function • 11-1 286

AcmeHarami function • 287 AcmeHighLowlndex function •

160, 288 AcmeHook function • 289 AcmelnsideDay2 function • 289 AcmelnsideDayNR function • 289

[start] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34] [35] [36] [37] [38] [39] [40] [41] [42] [43] [44] [45] [46] [47] [48] [49] [50] [51] [ 52 ] [53] [54]