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12 Dow30199e 7 - £ ¨ S S The date ofthe Low (9/1/98) is 164 days from March 21" (0°). This is about 162° from March 21. Now we will determine what prices are on the same angle as the number 162 or have a geometric relationship to 162. First, we will take the square root of the 737.97 (7379.70 as a 3 digit number), which equals 27.16 and the square root of 162, which equals 12.72. The difference between these square roots is 27.16-12.72 = 14.44. Because 360° moves on the Square of Nine are related by adding increments of "2" to the square root and re-squaring the sum, the first number that I will use as a root increment will be 16(2+ 14). The square root of 162= 12.72 and 12.72+16 = 28.72, re-squared = 824.83 (8248.3), The next number on the same angle would be 12.72 + 18=30.72, re-squared = 943.71 (9437.10), etc. Once you have calculated the first price, it is easy to calculate the other geometric relationships as illustrated on page 24. If you decide to look for "clusters" of geometric relationships, it is important that they all come from the same method of calculation or technique. In other words, dont consider a futvire date to be a
geometric "cluster" ifit only has one hit from adding the proportionate parts of the circle (page 21) and another hit from converting a price to a calendar date (page 28). Gann Angle Projection Ifyou would like to project a vector or angle from a previous top or bottom, the first thing you should do is to float your decimal making your price either 3 or 4 digits as we have done in the previous example. The next step is to calculate the dimensions of our price box. Again, we do this with the square root function. As an example, by taking the major 1361.09 price low of the S&P500 index on May 24\ 2000 and going 180-degrees around the Square of Nine, we arrive at the price of 1435.87. That is to say that the square root of 1361.09 = 36.89 + 1 (180°) = 37.89, re-square 1435.87. The difference between these prices is 1435.87 - 1361.09 = 74.78 points. This means that the 1 X 1 or 45° angle moves up at the rate of 74.78 points in 37 days time. The time element is simply the square root ofthe May 24"" low price of 1361.09 (36.89 = 37 days), which comes out as June 30th. The other important Gann angles or vectors are the 2 X 1, 3 X 1, 4 X 1, 8 X 1, 1 X 2, 1 X 3, 1 X 4 and 1 X 8. The 2 X 1 angle will simply advance at double the rate of the 1 X 1 angle. So in this example, the 2 X 1 angle advances (74.78 x 2) 149.56 points in 37 days. The 1 X 2 angle would move up at Yi the rate of the 1 X 1 angle or 37.39 points in 37 days, etc. If you will take the time to investigate this technique, you will see immediately how accurate this forecasting technique really is. It is also important to note that some markets will work better as a 3-digit number and others will work better as a 4-digit number (most work better as 3-digits). The choice however, will become obvious with a little research on your behalf If you do not have
Ganns angle course, I would suggest getting a copy from the Sacred Science Institute at 1-800-756-6141 or The Gann angle course will give you more insight into the inte retation ofhis vectors or angles. SquaiH Row of Low .- r / . Z / ..- / / The above chart illustrates how well the S&P 500 index (as a 4-digit number) follows 180-degree root increments (adding to the root and re-square) and how to draw Gann angles from this basic technique. The Highest price on the graph just slightly penetrated the 360-degree cycle of price from the May 24" low price. The decline following the Highest high price at 1517.32 on July 17 2000 fell 240-degrees or (1.333 as a square root increment) where the market found support. The square root of the high is 38.952 so our time period is now two days longer or 39 days from this top. Adding 39 days to July 17, gives August 25, 2000, which is also the Anniversary date ofthe 1999 top. You should note that July 17* was the Anniversary ofthe 1998, 1997 and 1996 tops.
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