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13 If you look at your Square of Nine chart, you will see that the odd square of numbers (1, 9, 25,49, etc.) line up on opposite side of the even squares (4, 16, 36, 64, etc.). This relationship is shown on the Square of Nine as the diagonal ofthe square and is therefore equal to a 45" angle. This is how Garm graphically illustrates the chart. The "odd squares-* and "even squares" line up on a 45° angle diagonally through the main center "1". You can also prove this with the Pythagorean theorem, which states that the sum of the squares of the sides of a right triangle is equal to the square of the hypotenuse, i.e, the diagonal. In the S&P 500 example, we advanced 74.78 points in 37 calendar days. This was equal to 26 trading days of / hours each session (9:30 AM to 4:00 PM). Therefore the total trading hours = (6.5 x 26) 169 hours. The Square root of (1692 + 74,782) equals 184,80, which is approximately 5 digits past a perfect 180. This means that the low on June "" would have been perfectly balanced at 11:00 AM or 164 trading hours from May 24"" [Square root of (164-2 + 74.782) = 180]. The lightly dashed horizontal Square Rool ol Low dark huPijOiLdl Lliq lines are 1/8" lines that were calculated by divining the fiill 360° range by 8. rf* - an" 4 tf
Square of Nine Time Techniques A Different Look at History The following information is based on my unique 1 1 11 of the work of Carl Futia. The technique is to determine the exact "Time" angles where extreme tops and bottoms have occurred relative to a first trade date or "Birthday". You can also use the most recent "Bear Market" low, which is August 12,1982. Examples of the technique are as follows: The first trade date for the New York Stock Exchange is May I?". 1792. The Sept 3"", 1929 top occurred 50,146 days from May 17*, 1792. The number 50,146 is on the 122.5° angle of cycle 112 on the Square of Nine. The top of the Stock Market (Dow Jones Industrial Average) on December 2", 1968 is 64,481 days from May 17*, 1792. The number 64,481 is also on the 122.25° angle of cycle #127, on the Square of Nine. The Silver Panic low in the Stock Market occurred on March 27 1980, which is 68,614 days from May 17 1792- This hit on an angle of 124.35° and was within +4 days from hitting the 122.5° time angle of cycle #131. More recently, the November , 2000 top before the presidential election debacle, was 76,139 days from May ", 1792, This number is also on the 122.5° time angle of cycle #] 38. If you continue measuring calendar days from May 17 1792, the angle of 122.5° will not be hit again until November 14*, 2003, which is 77,247 days from the birth date ofthe New York Stock Exchange. This technique should be done with all the significant highs and lows for any market under analysis. You should also calculate the time angles in Months and Weeks, from your begitming point, per W.D. Ganns instructions.
11250 1D7E0 10260 9750 -I-T- - Nmember Efeclian 122 5 degm 1 fromSl/l] -Piict 5 " § 2 5 5 S 5 S s S 8 § g S § g § 8 s S = 5 I personally prefer to look at the amount of degrees of longitude traveled by the Sun and planets as a Square of Nine number. For example: The Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4", 1776. President Abraham Lincoln was killed on April 14"", 1865. Heliocentric Saturn moved 1,086,09° of longitude from July 4 1776. The number 1086.09 is on the 306.8° time angle of cycle #16. President James Garfield was shot on July 2", 1881. Heliocentric Saturn moved a total of 1273.75° from July 4* 1776, This number falls on the 76.8° time angle of cycle #18. Taking the difference between these two angles, we get 306.8 - 76.8 = 230° separated by 2 complete cycles (cycle 18 minus cycle 16 = 2). William McKinley was shot and killed on September 6 1901. Heliocentric Saturn moved a total of 1524.16° from July 4 1776. The number 1524.16 is on the 322.40" angle of cycle # 19. John F. Kennedy was shot and killed on November 22" 1963. Heliocentric Saturn has moved 2282.11 ° from July 4\ 1776. This number is on the 92.08° angle of cycle #24. The difference between these two events is 322.40 - 92.08 = 230.32°, separated by 5 cycles (24 -19 =5). As you can see, 23{f degrees on the Square of Nine relate both pairs of events, when using Satum as the
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