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Ganns "Master Charts". Specifically, the Square of Nine, Square of 4, The Hexagon Chart, and the Circle Chart. W.D. Gann gives an example of converting current planetary longitudes to price via a "Master Chart" in the Soybean letter. As an example, Gann wrote to a private student in his Personal Soybean Letter: Dec. 2, 1953, May Soybeans high 311! . This equaled 18° 45 in Pisces, close square of 90° degrees of Jupiter, 135° degrees to Satum and 180° degrees of the averages, and 120° -degrees of Uranus. 300 price equals 30° -degrees Virgo. 302 equals 30° -degrees Libra. 304 equals 30° -degrees 1 ". These are obviously not straight longitude conversions of price because $3111 price in pure longitude would be 11-degrees 15 minutes Aquarius. However, on Ganns circle chart, which is based on the Earths 24-hour rotation on its axis $311 % is at 18° 45 Pisces.

Just as an exercise, on the Square of 4, $311 would be about 20-degrees Capricorn, on the Square of Nine. $311 would be O-degrees Gemini and on the Hexagon, $311 would be 5-degrees Sagittarius. Gann used these geometric shapes to relate price to the positions of the planets in zodiac longitude.

Earlier, when we were going over the Square of Nine, 1 discussed the square root relationships of this Master Chart. If you take the square root of the (January 14, 2000) Dow Jones bdustrial Average 11,750 high you get 108.39, which equals 18°23 Cancer in exact opposition to Heliocentric Mercury at 18° Capricorn. If you take the square root ofthe October 18 1999 low of 9976 you get 99.87 (9°52 Cancer). The difference between these square roots equals 8.52, i.e. 108.39 - 99.87 = 8.52. From 10/18/99 to 1/13/00, Helio-Jupiter moved 7.94 and Helio-Satum moved 3.14 (Pi). Applying the

Pythagorean theorem we get Square root of (7.942 + 3.142). This is equal to 8.53, very close to our root difference of 8.52. On 1/14/00, this number will be 8.62. The difference between 8.62 and 8.52 equals 0.10, which also would equal 18° on the Square of Nine as a root increment.

Heliocentric Mercury moved exactly 360° from October 18", 1999 to January 14 2000 (18° Capricorn to 18° Capricom). Ifyou add 8.62 to the square root ofthe low, then re-square, you get 11,772.23 as a price. Remember, increments of 2 added or subtracted to the square root of a price and then re-squared is equal to 360-degrees on the Square of Nine. So if we look at our number 8.52, we can see that price jumped 4 complete rings out on the Square of Nine because 8 divided by 2 is 4. The fractional remainder of 0.52 tells us that price went an additional 94-degrees on the Square of 9s rings because 0,50 added or subtracted from a root equals 90-degrees on the Square of 9. The remaining balance of 0.02 would equal approximately 4-degrees (180° *0.02 = 3.6°). As we advance day (1°) by day (1°) ftom our low date, doesnt it make sense that the relationship for price resistance might have some mathematical relationship to time on the Square of Nine? In other words, if we were 45° (longitude time) away from 10/18/99 wouldnt you want to know what prices have a 45° relationship on the Square of Nine to the 9976 low price? How would you do it? Simple, you would do it with square root relationships! 45° is calculated by adding or subtracting 0.25 to the square root ofthe price and then re-square the result. If we do this with the price low of 9976, we would take the root of 9976, which is 99.87 and add 0.25. This is equal to 100.12. Now we re-square this and get 10,026. The other numbers on this same angle can be calculated by adding or subtracting 2 from the square root and then re-square. 100.12 + 2 = 102.12 re-

squared = 10,430.52. Get the idea? The next number on the same angle would be 104.12 squared = 10,843.04 etc. These numbers would be carefully observed on December 2"*, 1999 because this date is 45 solar degrees from the low that occurred on 10/18/99. If you were looking for all the 88° price relationships on the Square of 9, when you were 88° (solar lohgitude) away from the 10/18/99 low date in price, you would have been looking for the market to hit the following numbers on January M"", 2000: 10,479.37, 10,892.85, 11,314.32, U.743.80. 12,181.27, etc! The actual high was 11,750. This is almost a perfect price-time balance. The numbers were calculated as follows: Because adding 2 to a root is equal to 360° on the Square of 9, then dividing any number by 180 (half the circle) will tell us what our longitude is equal to as a square root ratio. We need to know what 88° equals as a square root increment. This can be calculated as 88° /180 = 0.48888. Adding increments of 2 to this number will give us all the numbers on the Square of 9 that are on the same angle. So we would add 2.48888 to the square root of our 9976 low and then re-square. This gives us 99.8799 + 2.48888 = 102.3688. Re-squared equals 10,479.37, as shown above. The other numbers came from adding 4.4888, 6.4888, 8.4888 and 10.4888 to the root ofthe low price, then re-square the sum. You can also calculate the numbers that would be on the opposite side of the wheel on this particular date by adding 1.4888, 3.4888, 5.4888, 7.4888, etc. because adding or subtracting 1 to die root number (then re-square) is equal to 180-degrees on the Square of 9. This technique is very useful if you have a cycle hitting on the day you are calculating. In other words, if you are expecting the market to change trend because a time cycle is due, the price calculation will be much more impressive and effective!

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