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-Dow Janes Close i

If I were going to use this technique with a stock, I would have first converted the price to 1/8" increments because the majority of stocks trade in 1/8* increments. For example: If a stock had a major top on March 24*, 2000 at a price of $ 11 , the first thing I would do is convert this number to l/8* The way to do this is to either divide the price by 0.125 or to multiply by 8. This would change the price to 956; i.e. there are 956 "1/8* in the price of $119/2. The next step is to determine how many degrees of longitude the Sun has moved from the date of the top price. Lets say that we are currently trading the date February 28*, 2001. From March 24, 2000 to February 28*, 2001 the Sun has moved 335.81°. Next, we need to convert this number (335.81) into a square root relafionship for the rest of the calculations. We already know that numbers 360° on the Square of Nine is the result of adding 2 to the square root and that numbers 180° are the result of adding 1 to the square root. Therefore, 335.81° will be a number that is greater than 1 but less than 2. The way we find out what the number is as a square

root increment is to divide it by 180". In this case, 335.81" divided by 180°= 1.8656 is our square root increment on the Square of Nine. So we now know that 1.8656 is equal to 335.81°. Getting back to our original problem of finding the prices that are also 335.8 from March 24\ 2000, we need to subtract 1.8656 from the square root of the price and then re-Square the number. So we take the square root of 956 (8 times $119/2), which equals 30.919. Because we are working from the high price, we subtract 1.8656 from 30.919 and re-square the result. This is 30,919- 1.8656 = 29.0536, re-squared = 844.11. Now just divide by 8 to convert it back to dollars. 844.11 / 8 = $105/2. This price is 335.81° away from the price of $1 l9/i on the day that the Sun is also 335.81° away from the date of the high. If you want to calculate the other prices on this exact same angle, you would take the original number of 1.8656 and add increments of 2, which would yield 3.8656, 5.8656, 7.8656, 9.8656, etc. These numbers would be subtracted from 30.919 (Sqr. root of 956) and re-squared. All of these numbers will come out on the same angle. They are just one ring in towards the "main center" on the Square of Nine. For example: 30.919 - 3.8656 = 27.0536 re-squared = 731.89 divided by 8 = $91,48. This number is also 335.81° away from $119/2 on the day that the Sun is also 335.81° away from the date of the high. If the price of the stock were trading near this $91.48 price range, we would also want to know the Square, Triangle and Opposition points to this number per the Gann emblem. These can be calculated by adding and subtracting 0.5 to the root for the 90° Square aspect. Adding and subtracting 1.5 to the root for the 270° Square aspect. Adding and subtracting 1 to the root for the Opposition aspect. Adding and subtracting 0,666 to the root forthe 120° Trine aspect. Adding and subtracting 1.333 to the root for the 240° Trine aspect. Taking our price $91.48 price as 1/8 which

equaled 731.89 we get the following calculations using the square root of 731.89, which = 27.0536:

Square Aspects: 27.0536 +0.5 = 27,5536 re-square = 759.200 / 8 = $94.90,

27.0536 - 0.5 = 26.5536 re-square = 705.09 / 8 - $88.13 27.0536 +1.5 = 28.5536 re-square = 815.308 / 8 = $101.91 27.0536 -1.5 = 25.5536 re-square = 652.986 / 8 = $81,623

Opposition Aspects: 27.0536 + 1 = 28.0536 re-square = 787 / 8 = $98,375

27.0536 - 1 = 26.0536 re-square = 678.79 / 8 - $84,848

Trine Aspects 27.0536 + 0.666 = 27.7196 re-square = 768.37 /8 = $96.04

27.0536 - 0.666 = 26.3876 re-square = 696.305 / 8 = $87.04 27.0536 +1.333 = 28.3866 re-square = 805.80 / 8 = $ 100.72 27.0536 - 1.333 = 25.7206 re-square = 661.549 / 8 = $82.69

These prices are all aspects of our $91.48 price, which has an exact degree relationship to the longitude movement of the Sun from our high date of March 24*, 2000. Therefore, these prices are also aspecting the Sun on February 28*, 2001. The most important price is $91.48 followed by the opposition prices, then the squares and finally the trines. As stated previously, this technique works best on a cyclical turning date.

Another Astronomical Technique

Earlier, I showed a technique of using the longitude movement single planet (Sahim) from a birth date a.k.a. natal date. Obviously, this can be done whh each planet to determine ifthere are any time angle relationships and 1 would recommend this type of analysis, which I illushrated in the U.S. History examples. Another technique is to run all of the planets simultaneously from the natal date as if they all started in the main center. This is interesting, because over fime, the faster planets get slowed down by the

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