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Projecting Resistance Levels


Thanks for the S&P500 5/22/01 market example. It certainly is fascinating. But I am not clear about how the various cycle values to add are determined.

For example we have 1 and 1/2 cycles added to the 60 degrees in this example. I see where the 60 degrees came from but not the 1 and 1/2 cycles :"The sqr root of 1081 = 32.878 + 3.333 (1 and 1/2 cycles + 60-deg for the Sun) = 36.21 = 1311.28 "On the next one the 26 degrees is again clear but the 3/4 of a cycle is not. Wouldnt I and 1/2 cycles be just as appropriate. "The root of 1207 = 34.742 + 1.644 (3/4 of a cycle or 270-deg + 26-deg for the Sun) = 36.386 2 = 1323.94"

It seems that we are looking at aspects to the price using this equation. The degrees of the Sun for important aspects are converted to their root values and added to the root of the price. The result is then squared. We then look for multiple confirmations. But then how do accotmt for the various odd aspects that were used like 26 degrees and 17 degrees ? How would they be determined ahead of time ?

Perhaps the question is answered in your courses and I just need to study them. Please excuse me if that is true.

In any case ifyou have any more market examples please send them.




When you make projections to predict a resistance level, you should use lows and project up. If you are trying to calculate a support level, you use highs and project down. You are looking for price levels that are making negative aspects to the starting prices, i.e.. 45-deg, 90-deg. 135-deg, 180-deg, etc. These aspects can be on any ring of the square. Harmonious aspects are allowed, such as 60-deg, 120-deg, 240-deg but I prefer negative aspects for the majority. As you get closer to a date that is projected to be a tum, you limit your calculations based upon the current price levels that are in place. When working with previous tops to project support, you also factor in the longitude traveled by the Sun since the time ofthe tum. That is where I was getting numbers like 17-deg, 26-deg etc. These numbers where generated because the Sun had moved this amount from a past tum that I was using. I just converted them to roots by dividing them by 180-deg and then 1 added them to the normal square root aspects. For example, I am expecring a major stock market low on July I2th, 2001 followed by a rally into September. What would I do to come up with a likely support

number for July 12th? In terms of the Square of Nine, 1 would do all of the following. Since Im calculating support, Im going to look at aspects to past highs. Here is a list fortheS&P500:

3/24/00 1552.87 to July 12th 2001 the Sun moved 466-deg, which is 106 after rejecting the circle. 106/180 = 0.588 as a root

7/17/00 1517.32 to July 12th, the Sun moved 355-deg, which divided by 180 = 1.972 as a root

9/1/00 130.09 to July 12th, the Sun moved 311-deg, which gives 1.7277 as a root 11/6/00 1438.46 to July I2lh, the Sun moved 246-deg, which gives 1.366 as a root 1/31/01 1383.37 to July I2th, the Sun moved 158.5-deg, which gives 0.88 as a root 5/22/01 1315.93 to July 12th, the Sun moved 48.75-deg, which gives 0.2708 as a root.

Just taking straight aspects to these prices gives the following:

1167.09is 135-degto 1552.87 1170.71 is225-degto 1517.32 1164.73 is 180-degto 1530.09 1168.15 is 45-deg to 1438.46 1169.86 is 180-degto 1383,37 1174.88 is360-degto 1315.93

The Average ofthese 6 is (1167.09+1170.71+1164.73+] 168.15-Hl 169.86+1174.88)/6 1169.24

Setting "zero" as July 12th on the outer calendar wheel gives 165 on the 180-deg, which is also 1165. 172.50 comes out on 225-deg, which is also 1172.50. 1166 comes out on 45-deg and 1180 comes out on a 90-deg angle. The average of all these gives (1165+1172.5+1166+ 80 4 = 1170.875 This already tells me that the low is likely to be between 1169.24 and 1170.88. Now Ill just calculate the aspects taking the solar movement into consideration.

What we are going to do here is converting all the prices from our highs based on the distance the Sun has traveled since the time of the top to our next date. I will do these in the same order as above.

3/24/00 1552.87 root = 39.406 - 0.588 (for Sun) - 38.818 re-square = 1506.837 7/17/00 15l7.32root = 38.953 - 1.972 (for Sun) = 36,98! re-square= 1367.594 9/1/00 1530.09 root - 39.116 - 1.7277 (for Sun) = 37.388 re-square = 1397.88 11/6/00 1438.46 root = 37.927- 1.366 (for Sun) = 36.561 re-square = 1336.70 1/31/01 1383.37 root = 37.193 -0.88 (for Sun) = 36.313 re-square- 1318.63 5/22/01 1315.93 root = 36.275 - 0.2708 (for Sun) = 36.004 re-square = 1296.30

Now we just take straight aspects to these new prices which take the Sun into account and see what we get.

1178.33 is 270-deg to 1506.837 1172.67 is225-deg to 1367.594 1165.84 is 135-deg to 1397.88 1160.49 is 270-deg to 1336.70 1177.43 is360-deg to 1318.63

1173.34 IS 45-deg to 1296.30

The Average ofthese 6 is (1178.33+1172.67+1165.84+1160.49+1177.43+1173.34)/6 = 1171.35

If I was asked to make a projection for July 12th 2001,1 would say that we are likely to fmd support at 1170.49. which is the average of (1169.24+1170.88+1171.35)/3.

Also, looking at the last low to high swing we see that the S&P made a low at 1081 on 3/22/01 and a high of 1316 on 5/22/01/ The Range = 235 points. Divide by 8 gives 29.375 points per 8th. The 3/8ths support line comes out as (3 x 29.375 - 88.125 + 1081 = 1169.125) This is a 5/8ths decline from the 1316 top. If we measure from the higher bottom on 4/4/01 at 1092, we get a range of (1316 - 1092) = 224, divide by 8 gives 28 points per 8th. The 3/8ths line comes out as (3 x 28 = 84 + 1092 = 1176). The average support number ofthese two calculations comes out as (1169.125 + 1176)/2 = 1172.56. which is in line with our other calculations.

Using the angle projection technique from 4/4/01 (This is where the up-trend started), we get the following: The root of 1092 = 33.045. So we look for market tums every 33 days. July 12th is 99 days from April 4th ( 3 x 33 = 99). The 1 X 1 angle would cross the price of (root of 1092 = 33.045 + 3 = 36.045 re-square = 1299.27) 1299.27. We now have a range of (1299.27 - 1092) 207.27 points. Divide by 8 gives 25,909 per 8lh. The 3/8ths angle suppori line crosses (3 x 25.909 = 77.727 + 1092 = 1169.73. If you do not understand why I added 3 to the root it was because every 33 days, we move 180-deg in price on the Square of Nine because the root of 1092 = 33. July 12th is 99 days from April 4th, which is the 3rd cycle of 33 days or 540-deg on the Square of Nine, i.e. (180+180+180 = 540). The IXI angle coming down from the 5/22/01 top would drop at the rate of 1.987 points per day (Root of 1316 = 36.276 minus 1 =35.276, re-square = 1244.44. 1316- 1244.44 = 71.55 divided by 36-day5 = 1.987/day).

July 12th is 51 days from May 22nd. Multiplying 51 x 1.987= 101.36. Therefore the 1 X 1 crosses (1316- 101.36) 1214.63 on July 12th. The 60-deg angle would cross at 1180.88 (1.987 divided by 45 = 0.04415 price/deg ratio multiplied by 60-deg = 2.649 points/day X 51days = 135.116 pts subtracted from 1316= 1180.88). This is a price angle that the market must regain to put it back in a more positive position. The 67.5 degree angle crosses at 1163.99 on July 12th. This would be the next support line

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