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8 f:j-. The number 5 is the most important number of the digits because it is the balance or main center. There are four numbers on each side of it. Note how it is shown as the balancing or center number in the Square of Nine. We square the Circle by beginning at I in the center and going around until we reach 360. Note that the Square of Nine comes out at 361. The reason for this is it is 19 times and the 1 to begin with and one over 360 represents the beginning and ending points. 361 is a transition point and begins at the next circle. Should we leave the first space blank or make it "0", then we would come out at 360. Everything in mathematics must prove. You can begin at the center and work out, or begin at the outer rim and work in to the center. Begin at the left and work right to the center or to the outer rim or square. Note the Square of Nine or the Square ofthe Circle where we begin with 1 and run up the side of the column to 19, then continue to go across until we have made 19 columns, again the square of 19 by 19. Note how this proves up the circle. One-half of the circle is 180°. Note that in the grand-center, where all angles from the four comers and from the East, West, North and South reach gravity center, number 181 appears, showing that this point we are crossing the Equator or Gravity center and are starting on the other half of the circle. We have astronomical and astrological proof of the whys and wherefores and the cause ofthe workings of geometrical angles. When you have made progress, proved yourself worthy, I will give you the Master Number and also the Master Work. Study the human body in every way and you will find that it is the work of a Master Mind, and when once you know yourself and know your body, you will know the Law and will understand all there is to know. Remember there is a source of all supply, and that you have within you the power to know all there is to know, but you must work hard, seek and you shall find. This ends everything that Gann said about the Square of 9. The reference to the Square of Nine or the "Square ofthe Circle" above is not referring to the Square of Nine chart. Many students have mistaken this to be the same chart. The chart below is a copy of what Gann was talking about. It is simply a square of 19 by 19.
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As you can see, Gann did not leave any instructions on how to use the Square of Nine. One of the unique properties of the number 9 that Gann was spotlighting, when he said that "we use 9 numbers to measure everything and we can not go past nine without starting over and using the zero" has to do with the mathemadcs of multiplying or adding 9 to any number. If you add "9" to any number, the resulting number v/ill reduce back to the original single digit number through addition. For example, 1+9=10 and 1+0=1 again. 2 + 9=11 and 1 + 1=2.3+9 + 12 and 1+2=3 and so on. If you multiply any number by "9", the resulting product will reduce to a "9" through addition. For example, 9 X 5 = 45 and 4 + 5 = 9. 9 X 8 = 72 and 7 + 2 =9, 9 x 33 = 297 and 2 + 9 + 7 = 18 and 1 + 8 + 9 and so on. Also, the sum of the digits 1 through 9 = 45, i.e. 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9 = 45 and this also reduces to a "9" because 4 + 5=9. This is why Gann says that the
number 9 will measure everything. In Ganns Egg course, is a quote that pertains to measuring time periods and the basic construction of the Square of Nine chart. It reads "Man first leamed to record and measure time by the use of the Sun dial, and by dividing the day into 24 hours of 15-degrees in longitude. The "reflection" ofthe geometrical angle on the Sundial indicated the time of day. Since all time is measured by the Sun, we must use the 360 degrees of the circle to measure time periods for the market, but remember, you must always begin to count time is days, weeks and months from extreme high and extreme low levels, and not from exact seasonal or calendar time periods, 45 days is l/S" of a year, 90-degrees is 1/4 of a calendar year, or a square. 112/ days is 90 -t-22/2. 120 is l/S"" ofthe circle and is a triangle. 135 is90 -)-45, 150 is 90+ 60, 157y2 is 135 + 22! , 165 is 120 +45. 180 is A of a complete circle or opposite to 0, the starting point. Very important for a change in trend. 202is 180 + 223, 225, a 45-degree angle is 180 + 45, 240, a triangle is 2 times 120. 247/: is 225 + Il/i. 270 is % of a circle and 3 squares of 90. 292/ is 270 + 22/ , 315 is 270 + 45, 337Vi is 315 + 22/; and 360 degrees is the complete circle. You measure weekly and monthly time periods in the same way as you do the days and watch all of these important time angles for a change in trend. Square of Nine Time Applications The first and most simple application is calculating time objectives. What you do is keep track of dates of major highs and lows ofthe market you are following or plarming to trade. Once you have your list of important past dates compiled, you simply add the proportionate parts of the circle, i.e. the Earths orbit, to your past dates. Because the Earth takes 365 days to orbit the Sun, I recommend using 46, 61, 91, 121, 137, 182,
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