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The Symmetry Wave Trading Method

MICHAEL GUR 15 full rime rroder and a registered investnienr advisor currently living in Boulder, Colorodo.


by Michael Gur

.Windsor Books • Brightwaters, New York-

Copyright 1993 by iVtlchael Gur All rights reserved. May not be reproduced in any form without the permission of ihp pLiblishers.

Published by Windsor Books P.O. Box 280 Biighiwaters, n.Y. 11718

Manufactured in the United States of America

ISBN 0-9302.?i 54-9

iiwportant notice - patent pending

The technique for utilizing the Symmetry Wave concept, and underlying materials as disclosed herein, is the subject of a pending patent application. Such patent rigiits will be siriclly enforced against violators.

CAVtAT; rt should tje nnled Ehal all c»tnm<»dily trades, pirtterns, rharis, 5 *! , t-lc. (irusspd in Ihi*; book are for itlusiraiivc purposes fully and are not 10 as specific arJvisory rccomTTwndsIion Furthw note lh,Tt no mcthrjd of ctadiiiy ur investing fonlprnof or without ttifftojlty, antJ pasl paformance t? no guaranlee of future peFformattce. All ideas and material preseniettarr mirely tiTos*ottheauihoi and do not necessarily reflea those ol the publisher or booksdkr.


I thank Beloved who inspired me to do this work. I thank Phoebe Trimmer for doing editing and typing work often on an emergency basis. I also thank the editors at Windsor Books for thcirconstant support in helping me to improve this book. Special thanks to my friends Otto A. Stark, Frank McLain, Susan Multon and Elizabeth St. Louis, for their positive outlook and support.

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