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Illustration 5-13

Chart Courtesy Of Aspen Orapliics

Illustration 5-14

Using llic daily Swiss Kranc chart (Illustration S-15) after symn\etry wave 4 was established, you could use a lO-day iireakout, which is even more delayed tfian the stochastic crossover or lt\rct"-(iav breakout. The benefit of an even later entry is ilut after a l)ig retrar.:erTiont, the market has re-established its trend more firmly.

L Chan Courtesy Of Aspen Graphics

i99i Ifeb ar Iapr . mav jun

o.eioo .sooo

O. 7- O.7SOO O. 7700 O.7600 O.7 O. 0.7300 O.7200 O.TlOO O.7000 O.6 O.&SOO O.6700 .6600



On weekly charts, one ol my favorite late entry methods is to wart for the symmetry wave to establish itself and then to use a one-week breakout (see Illustration 5-1 b). Another method is to use a trend line, as in Illustration 5-17.

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.11/Pl 0- 3708 H" 3710 L- 3645 .1 Del

Illustration 5-16

Oon flw.....Jul.....Oct J»r> ;..JuL i:.:.:.:gsj


O. 364« H» 366? 3645

0- 3703

H- 3710

im 3645

C- aefil . . > .. :...Jon......«rr.......-Jul .....Oct........Jan


Illustration 5-1 7


..Qui..... -ijct........-Jan


On smaller retracement waves, because the magnitude of the retracement is small, it is best to use a one- or two-day breakout as an entry method (see Illustration 5-18).

CBT wheat FUTURE -- «21

• ...........• Chart Courtesy Of Aspeii Graphics

JjUC Iaug sep \oct~ nou"~


Illustration 5-18

Establishing a winning position takes a lot of effort. This is where mental fortitude and training come into play. It may take two or three tries before a big winning position is established. This requires patience and consistency. The most .siicrressful money managers keep doing what they know will work, even if it hasnt produced any profit for as long as eighteen months. This is how important it is for a person lobeconsistent. After two or three (ai led attempts, one big profitable trade Will make up for the few small loser:;.

If at any time the counting becomes confusing using the Symmetry Wave Method, concentrate on ihe biggest group of waves first and ignore smaller groups. Bigger .synrmelrical wave counts always override Ihe sm.iller symmetrical w,ave coirnis.

Do not attempt to base yoirr overall analysis on smalfer symmetry waves. It is strongly suggested that you keep weekly charts. Where daily charts fail, weekly charts will clarify.

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