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313 4 5 6 ? iO 11 12 13 14 1? IB 19 20 21 2S 26

. rl

I 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 17 IB 19 20 21

25 26

900 894 BBG 882 876 870 B64 B50 652 B46 BIO B34

016 BIO BG4 798 792 7B6 7B0 774 76Q 762 756 750

Pftces rose even higher on the next price her. I niovecJ all stops to 873 to protect profits.

Witli prices rnakirig a cfouhle top and a reversal on ilie last l>ar of the day. I exited my entire position one minute before the close at 891,

I feared a gap down opening for the following day and did not like the alternatives that were available. A stop in the London market <iidnt make much sense because I wouldnt know exactly where to put It unless I watched the London opening. That meant getting up in the middle of the night.

1 didnt want lo speiK"! another S375 for insurance by using a s[iread against March. The easiest thing to do was to get out, so I duh

Profits were $3,852,80 based upon one contract making 12 points, three contracts making 10 points, seven contracts making 30 points, and four contracts making 23 points. Costs of $525 gave net profit of $3,227.80.

506 9Q0

1 0Q2 B76 B?0 864 D5B BSZ B4& 840 634

22 B16 810 804 730 73Z 7B6 780 774 760 762 756

3 5 7 10 11 12 13 14 17 10 19 20 21 25 26 27

Although \ lost some poinis on the open, I was glad i had gotten out of the trade the day before. Prices pfunged all through the day.

1 plEicetJ a buy stop above the triple top and waited for fiirtfier developnuintS-

4- 4


3 4 5 5 7 10 12 13 14 17 IB 19 20 21 25 2b 27

At (he next bar, [ placed a sell stop bebv-j die Ross hook and a buy stop above liie high of the inside bar.

900 8 5 890 885 880 075 70 665 660 B5S 650 845 840 635 B30 B25 B20 815 BIG 005 BOO 795 790 7B5 780 775


9G0 895

34 5 7 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 25 26 27

I was short ten lot at 876 on a breakout of the Ross hook. stop OSS was a: 886, and my iiquidation objective was 866. Prices did not reach 866 on Ihis bar,


4 5

? 10 11 IZ 13 14 17 10 19 20 21 25 2fa 27

Prices did reach my liquidation objective, and I cashed three contracts to cover costs, f then moved my stop to breakeven. Prices went down pretty hard, but then berian to work their way back up. Shortly after prices reached their low for the day, I computed what one-half of tiie unrealized paper profits in the trade would be. I moved to save 1T points of the 22 I made. I wai. stopped out just before the close at 865.

900 5

89G 005

B75 870 B65 60 B55 850 45 B40

830 625 G20 815 BIO B05 800 795 790 7B5 700 775

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