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Then, just before the finaf five minutes of the day, sugar started flying up. and in a fast markei. I barely had time to save my neck. J moved all stops to 851. I was hlled on all contracts at 852 as the market roared past rny position and moved all the way up to 872, closing at 868. I could hardly befieve my eyes. "What in the world happened?" I wondered.

SB 6G IlIHfirE

The next day. pnces opened fower. 1 placed an order lo short a breakout of the Ross hook. When the opening price bar closed, I placed an order to short a breakout of the correction low.


DOG 895 890 8B5 B8G B?S B?G BBS 850 B55 BSO B45 B40 835

B15 810 805 800 795 790 7B5 7B0 775


L -

.... se 11 ... sell

5 6 1

10 11 12 13 17 18 19 20 21 25 26 27 28 1

900 095 090 005 BOO G75 B70

B65 B60 855 BSO B45 BIO B35 B3G 025 020 B15 810 805 800 795 790

7G5 700

5 6 7 IG 11 12 13 17 18 19 20 21 25 26 27 23

The day was over, so I started doing my score keeping arithmetic. I was short ten lot at 860. had covered costs at 850, and was stopped out at 852. That gave mc $710,40 for my ten lot.

On my five lot. I was siiort at 851, I had covered costs with two contracts at B41 netting $9 for the two, and vyas slopped out at 852 ot\ three contracts, losing 1 tick apiece. My loss was $33.60, My five lot had made $65.40 to add to the $710.40 I had made on my ten lot,


ihn close of Uie second hour of ihe Mny, I canceled replacetf my order, and moved it up to shon a breakout of that low.

•sB 60 MlhUTE

.... sdII

035 830 085 BBO 075 070 0G5 0 B55 B50 B45 BIO B35 030 DZ5 BZO 015 810 BG5 OCO 735 730 785 7B0 775

5 6 7 10 U IZ 13 17 18 13 ZO Zl Z5 Z6 37 28 1

The thir(i bar of the day rfiade a higher high and a higher low, closing on a doji,

SB 60 rtlMUTE

1 .1

.... \

56 7 10 It 12 13 11 1? 13 ZO 21 25 26 Z7 20 1

900 B95 B9Q

885 BBO B75 870 365 86G 055 850 815 BIG 835 825 820 815 010 BG5 DGO 735 790 785 700 775

The fast bar o( The day was a small reversal, so I let everyifiing stand as

SB 60

.\.. sell


56 7 10 11 IZ 13 17 10 15 21 Z5 26 Z7 20 1

90G fl95 BUS BOO B7S 870


The first bar of the day opened just above wfiere the previous day had closed. It traded u) s iev ticfts in the next ten minutes, and tfien began to move down.

I had pfaced a buy order above the higfi of yesterdays closing bar, and a sell order just underneath the low. The Ross hook was still ir* effect, so I had a sell order there, too.


-I I

t- A



6 7 10 12 13 14 17 10 19 20 21 25 26 27 28 1 2

Prices took out my sefl stop at 851, and I was sfiort a ten lot. My cost covering objective was 841 MIT. I was filled at 842 on a bounce off the low at 84 1. I fHilled my stop to breakeven.


he market tfien began to move up, but closed below my breakeven

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