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5 Chiiptcr 4 liiicTFUCtliini: Eiury SigEKils My sntermEicJiate entry signafs are as foltoS, and I usually take tfiem: breakout oi the lowest lov; of the fast ihiee days taken as a group A breakout of die highest high of the last three days taken as a group. ° A breakoot of any individual low of the last three days. This includes a breakout of yesterdays tow, A breakout ol any indtvidiEal Jiigfi ol the lust tliree [lays. Tfiis includes a breakoLst of yesterdays h[gfi. The breakout must be by virtue ol prices trading itirough my entry points. A gap opening past my entry pomt nutlifies ifie trade iiiitialfy. This is a very simple tecfinigue aruJ docs not need miuch explanation. I will enter a trade nt a breakout as described above. The stronger trade rnay corne as a result of a breakout of the highest fiigh or lowest lov; of the last three days. At times it takes moch pent up momentum to overcofne the extremes of tfie past three days of trading. But. this is not always the caso-Sometimcs the move is neady spent by tfie time the breakout occurs. One has to experiment with these to come to see them more cleariy. day breakout can act as a filter for lesser trades. hic three The following four pages contain e;<amples of my InterrrKuliaic Entry Signals. 18% I 1G571 1G37G 13182 179B6 177JB DreakoLit of the liighBt hijli of the last three days. are a \ \oui:A . Arrows point lo tfio t)reakout jjoini on liie actual breakout day.
3( ! j:j 31773 33920 330&2 32283 3134G 304 of the louest lais □ f the last three days. -> -> Ho gap openings are aUcjuEil. -L -fc -I 6750 bGB2 &612 6513 647 6337 26 J .1 6193 6130 brealjGut of rtii itid iyidue 1 ItJU . Ha f/ap openings a 1 1du(?< , Arrows pouii \.o xhc. brcakoijL point on \ actual tKeakuut day. Arrows point to tfie brookout point on ihe actual broakoul day.
42BB 421B 4 I - 1 > 4078 43 93 3859 3789 3720 3659 *ic\\i ceiiii]t(E d 1 lowed . breakout of any iiid iu idual liicfli r t - L 3589 Arrows point to the breakout [ on ihe actual breakout day (?liapLCr 5 hWnoT !:]ilry SiiMillii My rninof entry sigridJ is as fallows, and is optiona second breakout of the first tradinu confjcstion to form or. the cliajt aler the ojjeniiig. Tliis niay isiclude a congestion carryover from [he pnjvimi.s tiay. By iliLs time dieru sfiould be little lefi to explain about fiow [hit;se take place. 1 cuter only by virtue o( prices liading tfirough the bieakout fioint. To prevent l>eiing filled on a yap, t use stop ord[.rrs after the oreri. More about this in the cliapter about ordedrKj, f lores an cxami:i!c of what 1 aian. t r I DrtftktLit of the Tirsl L:aiiyr;yti(;ii [ 1 ilic clkrt .iftr the Qpeniny. It fidtcliES a cuiijestiuH fien tlic < > or\ second tine tlircigit. I > I I. "i f,[% 6533 653 6S[{G 5 GS4H
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