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29871 29272 2B673

28874 27475 26876 26277

25678 jjr



Objective point and anticipated concfetion

D;8187 0=29589 = 2 1-23 0=29475

Notice that even though prices exceeded the projected objective, they retraced and went into congestion almost exactly where 1 anticipated.

Figure 28 The high for the range was established at 30200, on January 7.


29871 29272 28673 28074 27475



25079 24430

D:0il3 0=29150 H=29675 L=29950 C=29575

Figure 29 The low was established on January 13 at 29050.

fiance High = 30289 Lou = 29850 (Full Line)

Outer High = 30471 Lou = 2B778 (Dotted Line) UC

bner High = 38832 Lou = 29217 HidOut Hi = 30367 Lo = 28882 (Dashed)



28673 28074 2V475 26876 26277


Interestingly, the outer low expansion of the envelope ainnost exactly r atches the outer high expansion of the previous envelope. Perhaps there is some order to the market after all.

Figure 30 The difference between the high and the low of the range is 11 50. Multiplied by .146 = 167.9. Adding 167.9 to 30200 gives 30375 rounded to the nearest tick forthe midout-hi limit of the envelope. Subtracting 167.9 from 29050 results in 28875 rounded to the nearest tick, for the midout-io limit of the envelope.

t call my broker and place my order to buy Wheat on a close at or over 30375 with an initial protective stop at 30175, and to sell Wheat on a close at or below 28875 with an initial protective stop at 29075. These are not where I would normally set my initial stops. Normally, they would be set at the opposite side of congestion, but I always reserve the right to use my judgment and discretion. Because of the circumstances at the time, i placed the stops as indicated above.

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