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15 - AiJInndtx -1 Tlw-. Asoolal <:.<• (if Che niultlolc; tm<:a. t>r<r a tryrllc- pa-rirm (ln< r>f t»>e will-lfnciwn usfs r>f cj-dit analysis was r>a-forme<l try . Iri 7?4L Ffe>ftt ruasic i>fStacti 1i-ansacti<m <Ircr«itc-HallJ, ii> which (here Is an i in each <rycle and subs.ui.utlnB. from «t*< tabli of s.ums. anxl „l.irie tH. repealed i-e]>ressl<i>n analvls <>v a mDiine cimr wlnrfow. resiiftine foi-ecasi value. An Beoausi: is xiseil tr?- rcralrularr ihc- t>es« ill eac-li « a new j>irce of da(a tor solurl n »i r»ecomo **ie Indumci-v scandard. Thiis leetinlque la oRen predict tor eicampl u niy Rold prltres uti arrive at a Kold priee teretra-i <:i-ist>*t and TI pi-tnce u an expoi---ilal sn.uoU.ins. le I. liqu wl.l ll the most ptipular -ll*-*!n n 1-. < day are « . varlahle>
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